Course funding by the BAMF

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is the central competence center for migration, integration and return. BAMF is responsible for conducting integration courses as well as job-related language training courses.

FIA is an authorized provider of BAMF courses at its training centers in Frankfurt, Freiburg, Heidelberg and Marburg. These FIA locations offer the Basic Professional Language Course B2 (for all professions) and the Specialized Language Courses Academic Health Professions C1 for medicine, dentistry and pharmacy in preparation for the professional language test, which are funded with a certificate of eligibility. In order to obtain one, BAMF needs an “Application for recognition procedure eligibility”.


A certificate of eligibility covers the entire course fees. Childcare, travel costs and test fees are not included in the certificate of eligibility. However, a separate BAMF application for these costs is possible (see below).



  • Place of residence in Germany
  • Valid visa/ residence permit
  • Proof of recognition procedure (copy of application form, if available proof of receipt)
  • Proof of language level B1 for the Basic Professional Language Course B2 (= general language) or language level B2 for the Specialized Language Course Academic Health Professions C1 (= professional language)



You need following proof for your application (combined photocopies merged as pdf) for the Basic Professional Language Course B2:

  • B1 certificate
  • Current residence title (if you are an EU citizen, submit a photocopy of your identification document, e.g. passport, identification card)
  • If you already work in Germany: an income tax assessment or pay slip dating back three months for individuals


You need following proof for your application (combined photocopies merged as pdf) for the Specialized Language Courses Academic Health Professions C1:

  • B2 certificate
  • Proof of recognition procedure (copy of the application form for licensure (Approbation), if available proof of receipt)
  • Proof of foreign university degree (e.g. certificate, German translation)
  • Current residence title (if you are an EU citizen, submit a photocopy of your identification document, e.g. passport, identification card)
  • If you already work in Germany: an income tax assessment or pay slip dating back three months for individuals


There are two ways to apply for BAMF funding:

  1. File the eligibility form with your Employment Agency or Jobcenter official in charge. Make an appointment and bring all the required documents with you. You will receive the outcome right away.
    Here you can find your responsible office of the Employment Agency or Jobcenter. Call them or write an e-mail that you would like to apply for a certificate of eligibility for your course.

    Important: The certificate of eligibility should be issued without a region restriction. Please note the information on your certificate of eligibility.
  2. Fill out the eligibility form together with your FIA contact person at the training center. FIA will submit your application and the required documents to BAMF. You will receive the outcome by mail, usually within 4 weeks’ time.


Particularities / further information

Reimbursement of test fees

BAMF funded specialized language course participants can receive a professional language test fee reimbursement from BAMF through FIA.

When you pass the test and pay the fee send following documents via e-mail to :

  • The State Chamber of Physicians’ bill with applicable fees (notification of charges)
  • A bank statement as proof of payment
  • The professional language test certificate

If you do not pass the exam the first time, you can receive reimbursement anyway. E-mail us following documents:

  • The State Chamber of Physicians’ bill with applicable fees (notification of charges)
  • A bank statement as proof of payment
  • A professional language test invitation from the State Chamber of Physicians or an invitation for the patient communication test from FIA

Reimbursement of travel costs

Costs for travel cards (monthly travel card or tavel card without a monthly fixed validity) for the lowest price class between training location and place of residence are reimbursed. FIA handles the application and reimbursement.


  • Distance between place of residence and FIA training center is more than 3 km
  • Participant receives benefits from: SGB II/ Hartz IV, welfare/ SGB XII, Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, educational aid/ SGB III, §136 paragraph 1 No. 1 SGB III (ALG I)
  • SGB VIII (instead of benefits according to AsylblG)

Required Proof:

  • Copy of benefit notification (Jobcenter) for the entire course duration
  • Copy of monthly tavel card or travel card without monthly fixed validity
  • Printout from Google Maps: walking distance between place of residence and FIA training center

Provide your account details so that we can pay the reimbursement to your account when the approval reaches us.

Reimbursement of childcare

FIA handles the application as well as the reimbursement.


  • Private child care can only be paid for if a regular local offer for childcare is not available

Required proof

  • Identification document of the legal guardian participating in course
  • Eligibility of the legal guardian participating in course
  • Identification document of the child in need of care
  • Course confirmation
  • Care permission(s) of the caretaker(s) according to § 43 Abs. 3 SGB VII

BAMF addresses

for Hesse (Frankfurt and Marburg locations):

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Referat 83B
Poller Kirchweg 101
51105 Köln


for Baden-Württemberg (Freiburg and Heidelberg locations):

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Referat 83C
Wolframstr. 62
70191 Stuttgart