Finding accommodation in Freiburg
Here you will find a collection of addresses and links that can help you find accommodation in Freiburg.
The best online offers for Germany and Freiburg
Online housing portals for young people
HousingAnywhere: commission-free market for rental housing and shared apartments
WG-gesucht: largest commission-free market for rental housing and shared apartments
Zypresse online: advertisements in Freiburg
Wohnverdient: real estate portal from Badische Zeitung
airbnb: holiday rentals in Freiburg
Further general portals nationwide
Study in Germany: Get to know the country and find accommodation
HomeCompany: Short term rental of furnished rooms
Immobilo: property search engine
Immonet: property search engine
Immowelt: nationwide property portal nationwide housing portal
Vonovia: housing service provider
Immobilienscout 24: nationwide housing portal
Miettraum: nationwide housing portal
Bulletin boards: In refectories, cafeterias, institutes, copy shops and in the university library you will find bulletin boards with private rental offers. You might find something suitable there.
Holiday flats and temporary accommodation
Green-City Boarding House
GreenCity Boardinghouse GmbH
Address: Obere Hardtstr. 14 – 16, 79114 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0)761 45 98 79 21
Hostels and hotels
Black Forest Youth Hostel (FIA-Tip!)
Address: Kartäuserstr. 33, 791020 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0)761 88 17 870
FT Hotel & Restaurant
Address: Schwarzwaldstr. 181, 79117 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0)761 15 14 66 60
Hospitals, clinics and residence for staff
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
University and residence for international students
University of Freiburg
Offers for employees of the University of Freiburg
THE FIZZ Freiburg Mitte
Address: Habsburgerstraße 132 - 134, 79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
Phone: +49 30 40 36709 20
Minimum rental period: 6 months (also possible shorter if a new tenant is found)
Summer semester: April to September or winter semester: October to March
Campo Novo
Address: Zollhallenstraße 12, 798106 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0)761 88 79 26 50
Church facilities and residences
Caritas Freiburg
Migration Service in the Franz-Hermann-Haus
Address: Sundgauallee 8, 79110 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0)761 13 78 20