Guiding principle of the FIA – our values and visions
We are committed to an optimal start and better integration of international health professionals in the German healthcare system. By doing so, we help to increase the satisfaction of international health professionals, their employers in Germany, patients and their relatives.
- We offer orientation and support in the relevant regulatory and formal processes to the international health professionals who want to work in Germany.
- We provide the required language, technical language and professional skills for a successful entry into the German healthcare system. We also train the handling and communication with patients, their relatives and medical colleagues.
- In our vocational language and subject teaching we use needs-based and methodically-didactically founded teaching and learning materials.
- We support international health professionals in carrying out their work in the German healthcare system.
- We attach great importance to a fair, appreciative and unbiased approach within the Freiburg International Academy.
The Freiburg International Academy and its offers have been awarded AZAV certification by the external expert body ZertSozial GmbH (Stuttgart).