Test de langue allemande B2 certifié par l'ÖSD

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ÖSD exams are internationally recognized and are offered at the FIA at level B2. The exam is aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) levels.

The examinations take place in presence at the location in Freiburg.

Test dates in Freiburg / Merzhausen

  • 12./13.02.2025
  • 07./08.05.2025
  • 06./07.08.2025
  • 05./06.11.2025
  • 28./29.01.2026



Participants of the FIA language courses as well as external exam participants who have already taken the PKT and failed it must register by e-mail via their contact person or the following e-mail address:


External exam participants who do not take part in the FIA professional language courses must register via the online registration form:

Registration Language Test B2 ÖSD for external via online registration


Purpose of the test is to determine the language skills required for the health professions at the B2 level.

Content and duration

The ÖSD Certificate B2 test comprises two modules: the written exam (Reading, Listening and Writing) and the oral exam (Speaking), focusing mainly on communicative competence, even though attention is also paid to formal accuracy.


Module: written exam

1) Reading

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Number of tasks: 4

The overall and detailed comprehension of different authentic text from Austria, Germany and Switzerland is assessed in four different tasks.

ZB2 Sample Test: Reading


2) Listening

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Number of tasks: 2

Global, selective and detailed comprehension of listening text about general and society-related topics in the standard language as spoken in Austria, Germany and Switzerland is assessed in two tasks.

ZB2 Sample Test: Listening


3) Writing

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Number of tasks: 2

Candidates have to write two texts (a formal email; a line of argument/opinion) observing several requirements. Each text is assessed according to predetermined criteria.

ZB2 Sample Test: Writing


Module: oral exam

4) Speaking

  • Dauer: individual exam 15 – 20 minutes, joint exam 20 – 25 minutes
  • Number of tasks: 3


The oral exam is taken in pairs or alone and consists of three different tasks: a consultation, an image description and a discussion. The oral exam is assessed according to predetermined criteria.

ZB2 Sample Test: Speaking

Video example for an oral exam

Test administration

The ÖSD Zertifikat B2 test comprises two modules: the written exam (reading, listening and writing) and the oral exam (speaking). These modules can be sat and certified individually or taken in combination. Candidates who have taken and passed one module will receive a single copy of a certificate for the module taken. If both modules were successfully completed within a year, at the same exam centre, candidates will be entitled to receive a single copy of a full certificate listing all completed modules.

The exam will be carried out by two licensed ÖSD examiners who subsequently mark the candidate’s performance (see score form). By request, an inspection of the rating sheet is possible. Here you can find the testing guidelines and the terms and conditions for test administration.

ÖSD task types and text types

Reading comprehension

Task types:

  • assignment
  • cloze text
  • questions about the text

Text types: advertisements, articles, reports, blog entries, letters, news, newspaper articles


Written communication

The types of texts to be created: formal e-mail, argumentation, expression of opinion


Listening comprehension

Task types:

  • Multiple choice task (right or wrong)
  • Questions about the text


Oral partial test

Task types:

Task 1: conduct a dialogue (get to know each other and give recommendations)

Task 2: hold a monologue (describing and interpreting a picture)

Task 3: conduct a dialogue (exchange of opinions on a given topic)

Examination Board, result, repetition, certificate

The members of the board of examiners (trained language teachers) assess the exam according to a uniform structured scheme. The candidate will be informed promptly about the result. In case of passing the test, a certificate is issued and the participant can start the continuing preparatory course for professional language according to the qualification plan. If the language test is not passed, it must be repeated.


  • 175,- Euro in case of participation in the Compact Course German for Health Care Professionals B2.
  • 200,- Euro in case of non-participation in the compact course German for healthcare professionals B2 or in case of a repeat test of the participants.

Cancellation: Cancellation of an agreed test date is not possible. The test costs must be paid in full and cannot be reimbursed.

Test location

Freiburg (classroom event)