العثور على سكن في هايدلبرغ

هذه الصفحة غير متاحة باللغة العربية


Here you will find a collection of addresses and links that can help you find accommodation in Heidelberg

The best online offers for Germany and Freiburg Heidelberg

Online housing portals for young people

HousingAnywhere: commission-free market for rental housing and shared apartments

WG-gesucht: largest commission-free market for rental housing and shared apartments

Zimmer 69: by students for students, without registration, without advertising

airbnb: holiday rentals in Heidelberg


Further general portals nationwide

Study in Germany: Get to know the country and find accommodation

HomeCompany: Short term rental of furnished rooms

Immobilo: property search engine

Immonet: property search engine

Immowelt: nationwide property portal

Vierwaen.de: nationwide housing portal

Vonovia: housing service provider

Immobilienscout 24: nationwide housing portal

Miettraum: nationwide housing portal

Bulletin boards: In refectories, cafeterias, institutes, copy shops and in the university library you will find bulletin boards  with private rental offers. You might find something suitable there.

University and residence for international students

Studierendenwerk Heidelberg

The Studierendenwerk Heidelberg helps with the search for accommodation. You can search online on the website of the Studierendenwerk for possible private offers. Or check the showcases, the Triplex-Mensa and the Central Mensa. Make a note of the offer number and then go to the room service counter in the Info-Center or InfoCafé International. There you will have to show your student card or letter of admission. Finally, the address, telephone number and landlord name will be printed out for you at the counter. You can find the location descriptions on the Studentenwerk's website.

Address: Studentenwerk Heidelberg, Marstallhof 1, 69117 Heidelberg


Church facilities and residences

Caritas Heidelberg

You can also ask the migration service of Caritas in Heidelberg for help.
